Η Στρατηγική Έξυπνης Εξειδίκευσης στην Ε.Ε. και στην Ελλάδα (Βασικά Στοιχεία, Προτεραιότητες, Περιφερειακή Διάσταση)
The object of the present work is the study of the Research and Innovation Strategies for
Smart Specialization (RIS3) in Greece and in Europe, both at national and regional level.
The paper deals with the study of the key elements of Smart Specialization Strategies,
their development priorities, as well as the regional dimension of these Strategies, but is
not limited to the above aspects. The evaluation of the implementation of these Strategies
to date will also be studied, as well as their comparison with corresponding best practices
of Smart Specialization Strategies, which have been implemented either by other EU
Member States or by other European regions outside our country.
The purpose of this work is to study the degree, speed and manner of implementation of
the Strategies prepared for our country, as well as any errors and omissions that occurred
during the above process and to identify solutions and proposed ways to address these
problems. In an environment of relentless and intensifying international economic and
trade competition, both our country and the EU. as a whole, but also individually, at
Member State or regional level, they must move in a smart, flexible and innovative way,
in order to identify in time and take full advantage of their comparative advantages over
their competitors at international level. In this context, Smart Specialization Strategies
are one of the few weapons available to EU Member States. -of which our country- and
their regions, in order to achieve not just their economic survival, but their continuous
and sustainable economic growth in an unstable, unpredictable, and constantly changing
international economic environment. The only way is to emphasize the quality and
differentiation of the products and services produced, towards a "smart", "green" and
digital EU.
The methodology followed consists of bibliographic research, and mainly research on the
official websites of the European Commission, the JRC, the JRC Platform S3, the NSRF
and the GSRT. Now, after several years of implementation of Smart Specialization
Strategies in Greece and Europe, there is a rich material which consists of relevant and
up-to-date studies, which give the researcher the opportunity to access new, valuable,
modern, and specialized material.
Regarding the structure of the present work: The first part of the paper presents the
conceptual approaches and the European Smart Specialization Policy. In more detail, in
the first chapter, the definition of Smart Specialization is given, and its aims and
objectives are explained, at European and national level, while in the second chapter, the European Strategy for Smart Specialization is briefly presented. In the second part of the
paper, the National Smart Specialization Strategy and the respective Regional Policies
are presented. More specifically, in the third chapter of the work, the National Smart
Specialization Strategy is presented, the Government bodies that shape it, the way it is
formulated and implemented, while the implementation of the Smart Specialization
Strategy at national level is evaluated and finally, Best Practices are presented.
Implementation of National Smart Specialization Strategies at pan-European level. In the
fourth chapter of the work, the implementation of the Regional Dimension of Smart
Specialization Strategies in Greece during the period 2014-2020 is evaluated in detail,
while at the same time, best practices for the implementation of Regional Smart
Specialization Strategies during the Programming Period 2014-2020 are presented. The
fifth chapter of the paper presents the Contribution of Synergies between different policies
at EU level in the promotion of Smart Specialization Strategies and analyzes the
Perspectives of Smart Specialization Strategies for the new Programming Period 2021-
2027. Finally, the third part of the paper presents the findings and conclusions of this