Η πρόσβαση στα δημόσια έγγραφα και η προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων
The obligation to simultaneously satisfy the right of access to public documents and the
protection of the personal data of the governed is often a field of concern within the
public administration. This fact was the trigger for the writing of this paper, given the
new binding obligations arising from the implementation of the General Regulation on
Data Protection. The purpose of this paper is to study the two rights, both in terms of
regulatory delimitation and through their coexistence, which creates a wide range of
challenges for modern public administration. In order to make this possible, the method
of first listing these rights separately and then examining the issues arising from their
coexistence, through the path taken by the public administration to resolve them, was
deemed more appropriate. The work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter
includes a detailed list of the grid of concepts, obligations and other coordinates of the
right of access to public documents. The right to protection of personal data is examined
in the second chapter, primarily through its national and EU constitutional and
legislative protection, as well as through the new regulatory framework, always in
relation to the right of access to public documents. In the third chapter the two rights
meet on the basis of the conflict that arises from their simultaneous satisfaction and the
way to resolve it is being studied further, through the prism of practical issues that arise
in public administration. The work concludes with the presentation of the concluding
remarks that emerge for the issue under consideration, in the light of the current
developments that the Greek public administration is called to cope with.