Το δικαίωμα αναφοράς του διοικούμενου και η ενεργοποίηση των ελεγκτικών μηχανισμών.
The object of this essay is to analyze the right of every citizen/administrated to submit a
petition to the public administrative authorities and the way that the above mentioned
petitions/complaints are connected to the activation of the supervisory institutionalized
bodies which operated/act within the framework of public administration.
More particularly, in the first part of this project it is attempted to give a conceptual definition
of the “petition” by associating it to the constitutional foundation and the legislation of the
right itself. Furthermore, the reshaping of the right is captured in the light of a number of
references to case-law of administrative and civil courts as well.
In the second part of this project the contribution of the citizens to the identification, the
investigation and the punishment of incidents of corruption and illegal action within the
public administration is highlighted by mobilizing several control/inspection procedures. In
the same direction, it is pointed out that there is a great need of promoting and enabling the
existing bodies which examine petitions and complaints. At the same time it is of crucial
importance to protect the complainants and mainly the whistleblowers.