Το Εθνικό Πρόγραμμα Ανάπτυξης σαν διαδικασία προγραμματισμού των Εθνικών Πόρων του ΠΔΕ
The current essay presents the content of the National Growth Program (NGP).
The economic impact of public investments is examined in the light of the efforts made
towards the implementation of a medium-term strategy. The evolution of the legal
framework of the national branch of the Public Investments Program (PIP) is also
presented. Emphasis is placed on the current provisions of the NGP. Structure and
objectives of the program are explained, while proper attention is given to the evaluation
methods. Furthermore, the NGP is compared with the report of the national committee of
experts (“Pissaridis Committee”), concerning the growth priorities of the greek economy.
Finally, suggestions are given on the improvement of the NGP, largely based on the
outcome of the public consultation.