Αποτίμηση της εφαρμογής του νέου Πειθαρχικού Δικαίου (ν.4057/2012) στην Ελληνική Δημόσια Διοίκηση και ο ρόλος του τόσο στη διασφάλιση του δημοσίου συμφέροντος όσο και στην προστασία του υπαλλήλου.
The aim of the present study is the evaluation of the implementation of the new Disciplinary
Law since its putting into effect with the law 4057/2012. The evaluation is attempted through
the assessment of whether the new Disciplinary Law achieved its proclaimed objective of
enhancing the safeguarding of both the public interest and the civil servant's rights. The first
part negotiates the role of Disciplinary Law in a modern Democracy in relation to important
constitutional principles (Rule of Law, Individual Rights) on the one hand and to the nature of
civil service on the other. In the second part, we detail the most important alterations brought
about by the new Disciplinary Law (and also some important revisions to it that followed) and
we attempt to evaluate them based on the first part's conclusions. In the third part, the evaluation
endeavour is further enhanced by the presentation of the conclusions reached from the meetings
the student had with officials who take part in the administration of disciplinary justice from
key positions of the Second Instance Disciplinary Board. Lastly, the entirety of the above effort
aims to not only evaluate the currently in effect Disciplinary Law but to also extrapolate
conclusions and to put forward proposals that will aid future efforts to further improve it.