Η τηλεργασία στην Ελλάδα και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
The present study examines teleworking as a modern flexible employment form, in the
light of the current national and European legal framework, and formulates policy
proposals towards a comprehensive, functional and transparent framework for
teleworking. More specifically, the first chapter presents the concept of teleworking, its
basic forms, the various benefits and challenges involved in its implementation, while it
also records research results on its widespread application by businesses during the
recent health crisis. The second chapter sets out the framework for regulating
teleworking at the European Union level and presents its development in Europe, while
it also offers examples of best practices in teleworking in European countries. The third
chapter refers to the current legal framework for teleworking in Greece and the main
changes therein during the current health crisis. The fourth and final chapter of this
study describes the new provisions for teleworking announced by the Greek
Government and attempts to critically approach them, while formulating policy
proposals to be incorporated either in the new legislation on teleworking or in a Social
Partners’ Agreement. In conclusion, it is suggested that teleworking can constitute a
development mechanism for the Greek economy and society, through a modern legal
arrangement that will safeguard the interests of employers and employees on equal