Οικονομική Κρίση και Κοινωνική Πολιτική: Το ασφαλιστικό σύστημα στην Ελλάδα 2010-2020
The goal of this study is to examine whether the reforms imposed on the Greek social
insurance system during the decade 2010 – 2020 were an aftereffect of the economic
crisis and the emergencies that the memoranda imposed or if they were a compaction of
restructuring not made feasible in the past. In order to address this, there will be an
overview of the main changes brought upon during the aforementioned period (mainly
3863/2010, 3918/2011, 4387/2016 and 4670/2020) in comparison with those imposed –
or failed to do so – during the 1990s and the decade after. (2084/1992, 2676/1999,
3029/2002, as well as the retracted “Giannitsis plan”)This comparison will be
complemented and supported by an overview of the evolution of economic theory in the
aftermath of the biggest economic crises of the 20th century (1929, 1973-1979) as well
as the crisis of 2008. A presentation of the typology of the welfare state based on the
work of G. Esping – Andersen and by extension a description of the welfare state and
the social insurance system of Greece will also be made. Through the aforementioned,
conclusions will be drawn having as a research hypothesis that, related to the past, no
discontinuities appeared at the social insurance system during the period under