Τα mega events ως παράγοντες πολιτιστικής αναζωογόνησης: Συσχετίζοντας την Ντοκουμέντα του Κάσελ και την Μπιενάλε της Βενετίας
Cultural events contribute significantly to the cultural revitalization of the host city, highlighting culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development along with social
justice, environmental protection, and social prosperity. The present work specifies the
research question in relation to the characteristics that cultural revitalization tends to
receive on the occasion of events, of cultural content, on a large scale (mega events). In
order to answer the research question, the Dokumenta in the city of Kassel and the
Biennale in Venice are presented and analyzed comparatively. Specifically, an attempt
is made to analyze all the dimensions of the revitalization, shedding additional light on
the one related to the re-colonization of public space by the citizens, using the analyzes
of Habermas, Arendt and Stavridis. This correlation has been little explored in the
Greek and foreign literature. Furthermore, the versions of local cultural development are
identified, to which the studied cases of large-scale events fall, following the standards
of the international literature. The expected result from the above research is that mega
events are excellent opportunities for cultural revitalization of the cities that host them. The practical contribution of the work lies in the role that the Public Administration can
play in the design of a cultural policy, which involves the public, institutions, collectives
and residents in its formation, promotes their participation and creates the appropriate
conditions for the restoration of the public sphere, as element of enriching the
revitalization of cities.