Δημόσιες Προμήθειες: Παρουσίαση όλων των εξελίξεων στην ελληνική εθνική νομοθεσία- Η προοπτική εναρμόνισής της με το νέο κοινοτικό δίκαιο
This paper intends to find and evaluate the impact of 4281/2014 law, unifying all kinds of procurement procedures, on national system of procurement. Its contribution lies in the tracking of all imminent changes our country must comply with until April 2016, as a simplified legislative framework (both protogenic and derivative legislation) concerning procurement and concession contracts, including the transfer of the new relevant E.U. Directives (2014/23, 2014/24, 2014/25), shall enter into force. For this purpose the current legislation about procurement in Greece is being reviewed as well as best practices (Cedefop case).