Η στελέχωση των θέσεων ευθύνης στην ελληνική Δημόσια Διοίκηση. Κριτική προσέγγιση - Προτάσεις για βελτίωση.
The subject of this thesis is to study and evaluate the development of the public
managers’ selection system of all ranking levels in the Greek Public Administration, to
draw relevant conclusions and to submit proposals for its modernization. The approach
is based on how the need to formulate an effective and meritocratic staffed
administrative mechanism interacts with the political attempt to intervene in the
administrative hierarchy, an effort that involves the contradictory aspects of partisanship
on the one hand and democratic legitimacy on the other.
The retrospection extends from the first post-war legislation regulating the
organization of the Civil Service, Law 1811/1951, to the changes introduced by Law
4915/2022. Within this context, the alternation between well-established and movable
hierarchical systems is being reviewed. After the establishment of movable hierarchy, a
detailed analysis of the subsequent legislative arrangements is made, in order to
highlight the attempt to limit the discretion of political leadership by introducing
objective criteria. Key components of the aforementioned analysis are the weighing of
substantive and formal qualifications in the selection process and the type and
composition of the competent bodies. Additionally, comparisons are being drawn up
between the different selection systems that were enacted as well as between the Greek
public managers’ selection system in accordance with the equivalents of the EU
member states. The aim of the study is to review the regulated changes and how they
are interpreted through explanatory memorandums along with the animus and the
requirements of each era.
In conclusion, an overall assessment of the detected weaknesses and strong points is
attempted and proposals are submitted in order to improve the selection process with the
ultimate purpose of restoring trust between the governed and Public Administration, so
as to render the application of objective systems for the selection of public managers