H ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική για τις κοινωνικές υποθέσεις και την κοινωνική ένταξη
The common policy of Social Affairs and Social Inclusion is one of the most important
policies of the EU. Through this paper we will analyze the historical and institutional
framework, through the evolution of European Integration. Further, we will examine
the process of implementation of the policy of Social Affairs and Social Inclusion
through the production of secondary and supplementary law. Plus, the Cohesion Policy
plays a crucial role through the Resources granted from ESIF. The case study of Greece
is presented to evaluate the alignment of the Greek social inclusion policy with the EU,
by making use of quantitative data. The final part includes an overall assessment of the
study and some proposition of the future of the policy. The methodology applied for the
of the thesis involves mainly bibliographical research, mostly publications of the EU. In
addition, statistical data are used with the purpose of a qualitative analysis of the EU
social policy