Εθνικά Μητρώα Ασθενών: Σύσταση και τρόπος λειτουργίας τους στο σύγχρονο Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας (ΕΣΥ).
The need to address the chronic malfunctions of the Greek National Health System, resulting in the absence of substantial Primary Health Care and prevention, waste of resources and dissatisfaction of healthcare users, combined with the rapid technological development, have been crucial for the digital reform of public health. Central in the digital modernization of the health sector are the National Patient Registries presented and analyzed in this paper. Specifically, seven (7) National Patient Registries and the purpose for their establishment and operation are presented in this paper, based on article 83 of law no. 4600/2019 (A’ 43). Additionally, in accordance with the legal framework governing their operation, this paper addresses both user access issues and issues of processing the personal data contained in the National Patient Registries. Moreover, the paper refers to issues concerning their management and attempts an evaluation of the National Patient Registries.
This paper is mostly based on primary sources, that is, the current legislation, and, secondarily, in relevant articles, which, however, are quite limited due to the very recent establishment and operation of the National Patient Registries.