Η σημασία της αναπτυξιακής βοήθειας για την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική
This study attempts to assess the relationship between Hellenic Aid and Greek foreign
policy. Looking into the watersheds of international development cooperation, its
interaction with the donors’ foreign policies, the underlying motivations and, ultimately,
its effectiveness for the recipient countries, we seek to identify similar patterns in Greece’s
development cooperation policy, evaluating its potential through its main features.
The paper’s key objective is to highlight the ways in which the national development
agenda can leverage foreign policy, by enhancing the country's soft power. In this context,
we suggest targeting sectoral priorities, such as the fight against gender inequality, and
geographical ones, focusing on the Least Developed Countries, to formulate a pronounced
development vision oriented towards promoting solidarity, addressing global challenges
and delivering results