Η εξόρυξη δεδομένων (Data Mining) και η εφαρμογή της στη λήψη αποφάσεων στη Δημόσια Διοίκηση
The technological progress, coupled with the evolution of IT systems, the
upgrading of the capabilities of software, as well as the increase of the volume of the
stored data, has contributed to the infiltration of informatics in every aspect of the modern
society, resulting to the formation of a society based on information. Information, in its
unprocessed form constitutes data, that is recorded facts stored in digital means, known
as data bases. The last decade there is an exponential increase in the creation of data by
enterprises and organizations as well as citizens themselves, accumulating a reserve of
“hidden” knowledge, which must be discovered. The purpose of the knowledge discovery
which arises through data mining and processing is to obtain crucial information which
could contribute to decision making. The existence of huge quantities of information,
which could lead to knowledge via suitable techniques, that is the revelation of
information which has not been discovered yet, forms an issue that Public Administration
has to face.
The current assignment aims at offering a brief and at the same time
comprehensive portrayal of the techniques and the algorithms used to extract knowledge
by data bases, aiming at the support of decision making in order to produce actions and
public policies by the Public Administration. To this purpose this assignment is divided
in two parts.
In the first part, a theoretical portrayal of data mining is attempted through basic
procedures and techniques of mining as they are presented in international bibliography.
Furthermore, methods of mining and knowledge discovery by data bases of other
countries Public Administration systems, will be presented, aiming at the support of
decision making.
The second part of the assignment presents the exploratory research of data mining
through the creation of a data base by a control group of 298 individuals that was collected
especially for the purposes of the current assignment. The purpose was the exploration of
the factors that lead to past due debts. For the research approach, statistical analysis and
data mining techniques were used aiming at the discovery of covert information, which
could support decision making in Public Administration