Η Επίδραση της Ενσωμάτωσης Σύγχρονων Τεχνολογιών στο Χώρο Εργασίας, στην Καινοτομική Συμπεριφορά των Εργαζομένων. Η Περίπτωση του Μηχανισμού Διαχείρισης του ΕΣΠΑ στην Ελλάδα.
In the context of this paper, we attempt to identify the existence or non-existence of a correlation between the integration of new technologies and the innovation of public sector employees, concepts for the correlation of which a bibliographic gap is identified. Its aim is to study the relevant concepts and after ascertaining the correlation between them to propose new methods of promoting the innovative behavior of employees capitalizing the results of the study. This specific study focuses on the employees of the Partnership Agreement Agencies in Greece. The first theoretical part examines the relevant concepts in the literature, while in the second part the relevant research is conducted, for which we used a questionnaire, distributed to the employees of the Partnership Agreement Agencies of the country. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis and data processing. The research results conclude that both the integration of new technologies and the perception of the work environment (work scope included) are positively correlated with the innovative behavior of employees. Proposals are made at the level of both tools and working environment improvement for the promotion of innovative behavior in the Public Sector by utilizing the research results, as it seems that the conditions for their implementation exist. The present research could contribute to the implementation of the shift already being implemented by the Public Sector and be an inspiration for good practices in terms of innovation planning and management.