Οι συναντώμενες μορφές διαφθοράς και κακοδιοίκησης σύμφωνα με τα συμπεράσματα και στοιχεία του Γενικού Επιθεωρητή Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και άλλων μηχανισμών ελέγχου της διοικητικής δράσης στο χώρο των ΟΤΑ Α΄ βαθμού και των Νομικών Προσώπων τους. Μελέτη περίπτωσης (Έκθεση Ελέγχου ΣΠΑΥ).
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Γερακίνης, Κωνσταντίνος
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
By the term maladministration is designated the pathology which is generated when
administrative action is not aligned to specific fundamental principles. The most
significant of these, legality principle, demands the implementation of law in real life.
Maladministration is derived, predominantly, from contravention of legality.
However, maladministration is neither the sole, nor the severest consequence of the
non-observance of law. Corruption, which is identified with the abuse of power, due to
holding a position or an office in the state mechanism, with the aim of obtaining undue
advantage and promoting self-interested good at a concurrent expense of public good, is
indirectly perceived by its negative effects.
The phenomena of maladministration and corruption exist in the Greek public sector to
such degree and duration, so it is made reference to endemic phenomena, interwoven
with its very operational. The systemic and structural character of them is particularly
noticeable, according to the inferences and facts of the reports of the General Inspector
of Public Administration and other mechanisms for the audit of administrative action, at
the Greek Municipalities. At the undermentioned, the subject of the main types of
maladministration and corruption which are found in the Municipalities and their Legal
Entities is approached and an effort to detect the long-lasting causes of this condition is
exerted, by the use of these inferences and facts. Finally, there are overall conclusions
and proposals with emphasis on the mitigation of contravention of legality.