Σύνταγμα και Πανδημία – Ατομικά και κοινωνικά δικαιώματα: Η περίπτωση της αρχής της αναλογικότητας
This paper deals with the issue of the constitutionality of the legislative restriction
of the personal freedom of Greek citizens (art. 5, par. 3, Constitution), and in particular
of the restriction of the freedom of movement (art. 5, par. 4, Constitution), which was
imposed in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in Greece.
The constitutionality of the restriction of the freedom of movement is assessed under the
criterion of the principle of proportionality (art. 25, par. 1, Constitution), the aim of which
is the delimitation of the state interventions on the constitutionally defined field of
freedom of the individuals. The first part develops basic parameters of the theoretical background of the principle of proportionality, as well as the methodology of its
application, while the second part evaluates the argument of the need to protect public
health by weighing the proportionality of restrictive measures based on scientific data and
the constitutional criteria as appropriateness, necessity and stricto sensu proportionality.