Επικοινωνιακή διαχείριση κρίσεων δημόσιας υγείας & ψυχική υγεία. Πρώτες εκτιμήσεις από την Ελληνική εμπειρία διαχείρισης της πανδημίας.
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Ψωμιάδη, Μαρία-Ελισσάβετ
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
Emergencies’ and crises’ communication management has been very much
acknowledged by the literature as a significant dimension of operational preparedness, especially as far as public health crises are concerned. Therefore, its psychological
effects have prompted international organizations, such as WHO, to issue numerous
recommendations and guidelines on more effective risk and crisis communication
amid the recent Covid-19 pandemic. This paper examines how the Greek authorities
handled the communication aspect of the first Covid-19 pandemic wave in the light of
its impact on Greeks’ mental health. Emphasizing in the importance of operational
planning, an early assessment of the management experience as a whole is attempted
along with an estimation of communication’s management impact in the medium term. The multilevel effect of communicating crisis management has such added value that
the development of national communication plans is now deemed necessary.