Οι μεταρρυθμίσεις που έπονται στο ασφαλιστικό: Διεθνείς τάσεις και λόγοι υλοποίησης ή αποφυγής τους στον ελληνικό χώρο.
The disadvantages of the social security system in Greece and the deficient
implementation of the three-pillar model led to the expansion of budget deficits and to
the undermining of economic viability and the adequacy of benefits.
At international and European level the challenges facing social security systems focus
on ageing population, the prevalence of new forms of employment in the labour market
and changes in family structures. Pension systems are adapted to the above challenges
through parametric reforms, with the introduction, for example, automatic adjustment
mechanisms, and structural changes, through the adoption of notional defined
contribution or defined contribution schemes.
In spite of strengthening its sustainability under the burden of fiscal adjustment, the Greek
insurance system continues to face significant weaknesses and challenges that make it
necessary to implement a new systemic reform in order to contribute to country's
development. Four new proposals were made in this direction, using the good practices
of other countries, and adapting them to Greek circumstances, developing a coherent
framework for the reconstruction of the pension system. The aim of this study is therefore,
through the review of recent literature, to propose a reform framework for the insurance