Ελληνική πολιτισμική και πολιτιστική κληρονομιά και εθνικές πολιτικές διαχείρισης με οικουμενική προοπτική: Η περίπτωση της εφαρμογής της Σύμβασης για την Προστασία της Παγκόσμιας Φυσικής και Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς (UNESCO 1972)
The emergence of the importance of the management of cultural heritage has led to the
formation of an international institutional framework regarding the principles that should
govern it and the objectives that it should serve. The UNESCO Convention concerning the
Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, in 1972, marked a turning point in
this process and set out the basic principles in the management of tangible cultural heritage.
Its conceptual enrichment from later Conventions provides the complete framework in which
management policy must be designed and implemented.
Central to the management process are, based on modern theoretical methodological tools,
the local communities and the value relationships they develop with the cultural heritage
monuments. The authenticity of the heritage is considered to no longer arise from the
authenticity of the materials of the monument, but from the continuity of the authentic
connection that has developed between the monument and local communities. For this
reason, a living heritage approach is promoted, which prioritizes the values given to the
monument by the central heritage community and demands its upgraded involvement in the
formulation and implementation of the management plan. This model aims at sustainable
heritage management, which is linked not only to cultural, but also to social, environmental
and economic factors.
Although the Greek institutional framework follows the theoretical international
developments, in practice the management of the Greek cultural heritage tends to be
implemented through the material-based model, according to which the protection of
monuments is the responsibility mainly of the scientific and institutional authorities. The
application of the living heritage approach has been attempted in two cases that will be
analyzed, Meteora and the old town of Corfu, however it has remained inapplicable. The
change of model is of crucial importance, on the one hand due to the more effective
preservation of the required continuity of the heritage, and on the other hand due to its
contribution to the formation of a sustainable development strategy.