Κοινωνικές/Οικονομικές Επιδράσεις της Πολιτιστικής Επένδυσης/Δωρεάς/Χορηγίας. Μια Κριτική Επισκόπηση.
The present dissertation aims to assess the social and economic impact of cultural
investment, giving special attention to cultural sponsorship. In order to determine the
relationship between cultural investment, society and economy, a review of the
relevant literature has been carried out and a quantitative analysis has been employed
on the data of cultural sponsorships for the years 2007-2019, available from the
Ministry of Culture. Based on the relevant literature, sponsors have specific decision
criteria for the activities and consequently the cultural organizations they choose to
fund. The latter has also emerged through the examination of the available data on
cultural sponsorship. In particular, the relationship between the industry of the
sponsor, the recipients of sponsorships and cultural activity is statistically significant.
In addition, it appears that over time there are stable relationships between sponsors
and sponsees while it is also observed the element of locality, i.e there is interest from
sponsors to participate in cultural events in their wider area of activity. Then, major
sponsors seem to be interested in financing big events, regardless of the area of
activity, which suggests that the popularity of arts is an important incentive for
sponsors, as they find more opportunities to be promoted. Overall, it appears that most
cultural sponsorships took place between 2009 and 2012, which is not surprising,
given both the reduction in the tax exemption rate in 2013 and the fact that major
sponsors have ceased to fund cultural activities. As no similar research has been
conducted in Greece, the present study highlights some trends and areas of concern
regarding Law 3525/2007 on cultural sponsorship, thus giving space to further
research on the factors and criteria that influence the decisions of sponsors, but also
their incentives to engage in cultural sponsorship.